Production Stats (2022): 5th largest crude oil-producing state 8th largest natural gas producing state 8th largest natural gas reserves 82% of the states production is coming from Weld County 157 million barrels of crude oil were pumped ~49,000 active oil and gas...
What are some climate change-related impacts that Colorado is experiencing? Please note: I am not a scientist, so my descriptions are simplified. For a more accurate understanding, please review the attached sources. Snowpack Reduction: The snow in the mountains is...
It is official: The Colorado House has passed an assault weapons ban as of this past Sunday. This is extremely historic, as it has not made it this far legislatively yet. Also, this is why I love Gen-Z—they are not afraid to push for the change that we want to see....
Hey, Colorado! Let’s fight gun violence | Week of April 8th, 2024 Colorado Bureau of Investigation Authority to Investigate Firearms Crimes(SB24-003): Last week I mentioned this passed the Senate! As a reminder, Here is the tea on the Senate votes: YES votes:...
A bill banning the term “excited delirium” passed the Colorado House. The Colorado House today passed a bill that would potentially lead to the banning of “Excited Delirium” in official reporting. If you don’t know about the history or how experts...