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“BAD FAITH Christian Nationalism’s Unholy War on Democracy” is a documentary that investigates the rise of Christian Nationalism in the United States and its impact on American democracy. It combines archival footage with a deep dive into the secretive political operations that aim to promote an authoritarian agenda. The film features insights from religious leaders, historians, journalists, politicians, activists, and sociologists who explore why the nation is so divided and the role of Christian Nationalism in fostering that divide.

A central focus of the documentary is Paul Weyrich, the influential political strategist who founded the Council for National Policy (CNP), a secretive organization linking conservative Evangelicals with the Republican Party, ultimately leading to a movement with authoritarian tendencies. Through these revelations, the documentary aims to expose the hidden world of political extremism, emphasizing the need for citizens to recognize its dangers and take action through civic engagement and voting.

Meet Paul Weyrich:

Paul Weyrich was a conservative political strategist and activist, recognized as one of the architects of the modern American conservative movement. Weyrich played a pivotal role in mobilizing conservative Evangelicals and establishing a political movement centered on strong religious and socially conservative principles. His influence extended to shaping strategies and messaging, emphasizing opposition to abortion, support for traditional family values, and resistance to progressive social changes. Weyrich’s work significantly contributed to the rise of Christian Nationalism.

Weyrich’s strategies fostered polarization and eroded secularism in American governance. His legacy has been linked to a more authoritarian and exclusionary approach to politics, undermining democratic principles and promoting a far-right agenda that threatens social justice, equality, and pluralism. His approach to politics, characterized by strict ideological conformity and religious conservatism, has had a lasting impact on the American political landscape and continues to shape the far right’s trajectory to this day.

Council for National Policy:

The Council for National Policy (CNP) is a secretive conservative organization that brings together influential leaders from politics, religion, business, and media to coordinate and strategize on advancing right-wing agendas in the United States. The CNP is a shadowy network that promotes far-right ideologies, seeks to influence policy behind closed doors, and contributes to the blending of religion and politics in ways that threaten democratic values.

The CNP has played a significant role in uniting conservative Evangelicals with Republican political figures, fostering an environment where Christian Nationalism and socially conservative policies can thrive. Its secretive nature and closed-door meetings are undermining transparency and accountability in politics, leading to an increased push for legislation and cultural changes that align with far-right beliefs, such as opposition to LGBTQ+ rights, reproductive rights, and environmental regulations. The CNP’s influence on the far right is seen as reinforcing polarization and encouraging an exclusionary, authoritarian approach to governance.

Other Orgs & People with Council for National Policy Ties:

  • The Heritage Foundation
  • Turning Point USA

  • Family Research Council

  • National Rifle Association

  • Gun Owners of America

  • Steve Bannon

  • Kellyanne Conway

  • David Bossie (head of Citizens United)

  • Various members of Congress

  • Various members of State Governments

  • && Many More

Seven Mountain Dominionsim:

Seven Mountain Dominionism is a religious and political movement within Evangelical circles. Its core belief is that Christians are called to gain control or “dominion” over seven key areas of society:

  • Religion

  • Family

  • Education

  • Government

  • Media

  • Arts and Entertainment

  • Business

Proponents of Seven Mountain Dominionism argue that by gaining influence in these areas, they can bring about a Christian revival and create a society governed by biblical principles. This ideology is associated with the broader Dominion Theology, which emphasizes Christian authority over secular institutions.

Calvinism – It’s A Problem:

Calvinism is the belief that God has already chosen who will be saved and who will be damned, with these choices being unchangeable. Calvinism also emphasizes God’s sovereignty, human depravity, and the idea that God’s plans are ultimately beyond human understanding.

Within the political and religious far-right that follow Calvinism, some interpret this to mean that wealth and prosperity are signs of God’s favor, while poverty indicates that it is God’s will. This belief can drive the growing wealth inequality in society and contributes to the inconsistency seen in the behavior of megachurches and wealthy pastors, who often prioritize wealth despite preaching religious values.

What Paul Weyrich says about Voting:

The Truth About the “Pro-Life” Movement”:

Two landmark Supreme Court cases, Brown v. Board of Education and Runyon v. McCrary, heightened evangelical engagement in politics by challenging segregationist desires to deny black people access to schools or discriminate in other ways. Advocates for abortion rights, typically were also supporters of desegregation, women’s rights, and gay rights, and because of that Paul Weyrich knew if you fought one issue, you were fighting them all. He also knew to leverage the emotional potency of the abortion issue to rally political support.

The “pro-life” movement largely emerged as a response to the inability to discriminate against Black people in schools, with abortion serving as a focal point for regaining political influence.

CNP Backs Trump:

The Council for National Policy (CNP) played a pivotal role in Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory. CNP provided essential financial resources, strategic direction, and ground support that Trump’s campaign lacked. Leveraging state-of-the-art digital tools and the Koch Brothers’ i360 data platform, CNP enhanced Trump’s operation. They took the data from registered voters and cross-referenced them to church databases in order to create targeted campaigns based on that data.

In return, CNP’s then-president Tony Perkins gained influence, regularly visiting the Oval Office to advocate for policies restricting LGBTQ rights. Overall, CNP’s backing was instrumental in mobilizing conservative networks, shaping media narratives, and ultimately contributing to Trump’s electoral success.

Trump is Cyrus:

The evangelical right often compared Donald Trump to Cyrus, the ancient Persian king, due to a biblical reference in the Old Testament book of Isaiah. In Isaiah 45, Cyrus is described as a pagan ruler whom God used to deliver the Israelites from captivity in Babylon and to facilitate the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. Some conservatives saw parallels between Cyrus and Trump, viewing Trump as an unconventional leader chosen by God to deliver America from perceived moral and political captivity, to restore traditional values, and to protect religious freedoms.

This comparison was embraced by some evangelical leaders and Trump supporters as a way to justify their backing of Trump despite his crass behavior and personality.

Council for National Policy Ties to January 6th:

The Council for National Policy (CNP) has been linked to the January 6th insurrection at the U.S. Capitol:

  • According to The Washington Post, at least six current or former CNP members were involved in promoting the rallies leading up to the storming of the Capitol and the temporary halt in the certification of Electoral College votes.

  • Ali Alexander, a former CNP fellow and prominent right-wing figure, played a key role in promoting the Stop the Steal campaign and organizing the D.C. rallies preceding the attack. He, along with other figures on the Right, likened January 6th to a modern-day “1776,” drawing parallels to the American Revolution.

  • Additionally, Charlie Kirk, a CNP member and head of Turning Point USA, a pro-Trump student advocacy group, provided transportation to Washington, D.C. on the day of the insurrection.

Reverend William Barber:

The documentary highlighted Rev. William Barber is a prominent figure known for his activism against Christian nationalism. He is a minister and co-chair of the Poor People’s Campaign, advocating for social justice, civil rights, and economic equality. Rev. Barber opposes the fusion of Christianity with nationalist agendas, arguing that it distorts religious teachings and marginalizes vulnerable communities. He emphasizes the importance of compassion, inclusion, and moral integrity in addressing societal issues, challenging the narrative of Christian supremacy and advocating for a more equitable and compassionate society.

Through his speeches, writings, and grassroots organizing, Rev. Barber has emerged as a leading voice against Christian nationalism, promoting a vision of faith rooted in justice, love, and solidarity.

What You Can Do To Stop Christian Nationalism:

  • Support Progressive Faith Communities

  • Advocate for Separation of Church and State

  • Challenge Discriminatory Policies

  • Amplify Diverse Voice

  • Promote Critical Thinking

  • Support Interfaith Cooperation

  • Vote Responsibly

Watch the documentary here.

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