This post is in collaboration with Moms for Iowa (@momsforiowa) – see deep dive collaboration here.

Project 2025 is the far-right blueprint for the next conservative administration to gut the federal government by firing federal workers and installing loyalists, allowing a small fraction of far-right despots to take over.

According to, “It is not enough for conservatives to win elections. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration. The project will build on four pillars that will, collectively, pave the way for an effective conservative administration.”

What are the four pillars?

  • Pillar I: Outlines massive changes to the federal government, reducing transparency, and gutting civil liberties.
  • Pillar 2: It is a personnel database that allows candidates to build their own professional profiles and Project 2025 coalition members to review and voice their recommendations. These recommendations will then be collated and shared wtih the President-elect’s team, fast-tracking potential appointments.
  • Pillar 3: The Presidential Administration Academy, an educational system taught by the Project 2025 coalition. Trainings would abandon current government responsibilities and replace them with conservative tenents, supplanting decades of institutional stability.
  • Pillar 4: The Playbook: it reorganizes government agencies and lays out the implementation plan as soon as the next conservative president is sworn in.

Pillar 1:

The manifesto lays out the thought processes for policy changes, and makes general recommendations for the next administration. Some of the most concerning things outlined are:

  • Directs EPA to stop efforts on fighting climate change
  • Reinstates Schedule F
  • Removes regulatory agency independence
  • Eliminates nearly all access to abortion and birth control

Pillar 2:

The Project 2025 architects are compiling a database of candidates to place pre-screened loyalists in positions throughout the administration on day one. In fact, Axios reported in November in 2023 that the Presidential Personnel Database already has already 4,000 entries. This will allow the enxt administration to enact policy changes without pushback from other appointees or staff.

Pillar 3:

“Pillar III is the Presidential Administration Academy, an online educational system taught by experts from our coaition. For the newcomer, this will explain how the government functions and how to function in government. For the experienced, we will host in-person seminars with advanced training and set the bar for what is expected of senior leadership.”

This is special training they would put appointees through. While some training is noraml for new positions, these trainings are taught by various instructors through The Heritage Foundation, one of the spearhead organizations for this plan.

Pillar 4:

“Pillar IV–the Playbook –we are forming agency teams and drafting transition plans to move out upon the President’s utterance of ‘so help me God.'”

This is an outline of actions the executive brand should take in the first 180 days of the next administration to enact of the policy recommendations they have made in the manifesto, AKA Pillar 1. Their site says: “The time is short, and conservatives need a plan. The project will create a playbook of actions to be taken in the first 180 days of the new administration to bring quick relief to Americans suffering from the Left’s devastating policies.”

Project 202 Architects:

There are over 80 organizations funding and supporting this plan, but the main organizers are The Heritage Foundation

Who are they?

The Heritage Foundation is a prominent conservative think tank based in the US. They conduct research, produce policy recommendations, and advocate for conservative policies on various issues such as economics, healthcare, immigration, and foreign policy.

Have they had success before?

Under President Ronald Regan’s leadership, the foundation’s policy recommendations and conservative principles played a crucial role in shaping the administration’s agenda. In the manifesto, they cite the Regan administration took 60% of their policy recommendations.



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